Find Your Tribe!!

I remember as a child how easy it was to make friends running around the school yard. Even as a young adult it was easy, while living in a college dorm with built in companions and in my early teaching career meeting strong, caring women coworkers.
As I got older, life seemed to get so busy. My friends had children to care for and I coached something every season, but my women friends would still rally around each other when needed.
Then I left teaching after 30 years for a life adventure and new career as a Registered Maine Guide. As a female who grew up doing all kinds of outdoor activities, I was surprised to find this new work environment to be a mostly male dominated one. Where is my female tribe?
I have always been comfortable having male friends and many of my best friends throughout my life were males, but I miss the female companionship….so I set about finding ways to encourage women to get outdoors. I have three events lined up for this winter for women exclusively: a veterans’ adventure retreat at House in the Woods, a range event, and an ice fishing day.
If you would like information on any of these events, please contact me at our Gold Star Outfitters Contact Page on and come meet some new friends. Time to find your tribe!